The Collection
Each work is the elaboration of a real photo that is decomposed and recomposed in order to express the immaterial in a material subject. The matter takes shape again, as it happens in the process of additive manufacturing, where the powders become an object by composing every single part aggregating together. The choice of colors is entrusted to a preset pattern, a filter. Up to here it would seem a mathematical process if it weren't that the astonishment of the composition leaves no doubt about the ability to absorb its own character. These works want to represent an entire process of elaboration and personal growth. The creative path becomes articulated, starting from a real subject, a hand that holds, shows, indicates an object printed in 3d, then a digital product. Everything is immobilized by a digital photo that establishes a time and a space.
My Art
It was born from an idea, to give value to the immaterial by combining a passion for technology with the expressive power that has always distinguished me. I have always thought that communication should be a great form of expression and art is its most explicit symbol. Arousing emotions through the vision of images and telling one's own story using colours gives the power to reach the depths of the observer, arousing the sensations that bring people together. Through my works, I talk about myself and my projects, I enclose in my stylistic traits the study of years of work on the physical digital and I try to make every single object I represent talk about me. Behind every image there is a careful study that goes far beyond the subject, I reinterpret it with new canons to make it perceptible rather than explicitly visible. I have an incessant need to tell my story using all the forms at my disposal and I constantly reinvent myself in order to always be innovative and never banal.
The Vision
I was thinking about how art and technology have been light years apart for a very long time and how suddenly this long distance has become completely blurred, merging the two ends, almost forming a circle. Digital art is still art, but it needed a technology that could attest to its authenticity and a media clamour that would make it stand out in the eyes of experts in order to be validated. Amid scepticism and disbelief, a new path is opening up, the wall of the tangible is being broken down, giving space to new creativity. New opportunities and forms of expression are emerging, marking an era of great technological progress. If art is expression, we have a duty to listen to this new current, to try to understand it in order to project ourselves into a future vision. Whatever our convictions in this regard, we certainly cannot exclude that this new form of communication will mark this time and sooner or later we will be called upon to pass judgement on this growing phenomenon and on the works that will survive the judgement of time.